July 2012

…All right. I’m delighted to report that most of my head-holes have now closed up, and I’m back where I intend to stay for the rest of the summer – at the bottom of the deepest of them, digging.

This week on Trapped By Monsters: some rules for writing from George Orwell.

On pills and on the mend – or I hope so. I want to get back to writing my new novel but my head‘s more full of holes than this beautiful and scary video by Akronyme Analogiker.

This week on TBM I recommend two of my favourite books ever: take a step into The Unknown with Solaris by Stanislaw Lem and Roadside Picnic by Arkady and Boris Strugatsky.

This week on Trapped By Monsters: Killshot by Elmore Leonard is good for what ails you.