The tickets are booked. We’re almost set. In a couple of weeks’ time I’ll be back in Japan.

I’ve had a lovely time in London – launching O, catching up with friends and family, doing fun stuff – but as the day of my return to Tokyo gets closer I can’t help but get very, very excited. My first trip to Japan left me fascinated, rabid to discover more. But as well as new experiences to look forward to, there are people I met there and things I saw that I can hardly wait to see again. Like these dudes

In the Shibuya branch of Mandarake

…by the cabinets of collectible figurines

…there are big signs telling you not to take photos.

I didn’t use flash…

…and tried (and probably failed) to be subtle…

…but I couldn’t resist. I mean, look at this:

Here’s to new friends and new adventures.

On a related note, this week on Trapped By Monsters: Ready Player One by Ernest Cline.